Monday, 20 June 2011

Bag Express: Home delivered luggage

Did you happen to lose a suitcase during a trip to your plane? It is certainly an unpleasant episode, unless you have your luggage home delivered.  Yes, after England, the U.S. and Japan, our moment has arrived.


The British and the Americans have been doing it for a long time. The Japanese too are pretty concerned about it: the Yamato Transports has been moving the luggage of the Rising Sun for the past thirty years. Now the door to door luggage delivery service arrives (finally) in Italy, It's called Bag Express and ensures to solve the trouble of the transport of any object (including golf clubs). To travel lighter, avoid queuing at check in, and avert the dreaded loss that could ruin your holiday.


The instructions are simple: Bag Express pick up your luggage at home, office or any other address given and deliveries (within the required time) the package to your destination (hotel, holiday home, boat, airport). No limit to the amount of bags and to their weight (just declare it before), so no penalties for extra pounds, as happens instead with the airlines (the penalty for exceding weight is about 10€ per kg on domestic flights and 20 on international ones). The cases are secured up to 1300 per bag. A significant detail indeed, since in 2010, of 2.44 billion people who have taken a plane, 29.4 million have lost their luggage.

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