Friday, 24 February 2012

Communion wafers prepared with hallucinogenic flour? it's just a hoax!

Today we're talking about hoaxes, specifically about a very funny one which took place in our country and in these days was taken up for granted by many national newspapers.

A normal Sunday mass in your average parish can suddenly turn into chaos: this is what happened (seemed to have happened) last Sunday in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Campobasso.

Everything was going just like thousand identical religious functions until the Eucharist time when, after ingesting the wafers, everyone went literally wild.

There were those who claimed to see their favorite saint, those who, at the mercy of hellish visions, embraced the Crucifix, who stole the priest's wine goblet… poor Don Achille, he was forced to hide in the confessional, chased by two old ladies who hit him with their purses and calling him a devil!


Father Achille, taking advantage of the confusion, escaped the two women and ran to the vestry, where he called the police who managed to evacuate the building, despite the resistance of the believers, who started a guerrilla war against those which the assumed to be "the Horsemen of the Apocalypse".

After a few hours, the Italian web quickly spreads the news, but it'll be denied: In Campobasso, in fact, there's no Church of Santo Spirito, not the "infamous" Don Achilles chased by the believers! In addition, the Archidiocese of Campobasso-Bojano, categorically denies the news that we can read on regional and national newspapers.

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