Surely, at least once in a lifetime, you will happen to build a sand castle. well, in Weymouth Beach in Dorset (UK) has recently been built the first hotel made of sand, which accepts customers starting from 10 pounds per night.
It took 1000 tons of sands to build it and a team of four sculptors working over 14 hours a day for 7 consecutive days. The water they used was of course the sea.
Mark Anderson, the creator of the great sand castle, commented on his work: "It is the biggest sandcastle-like structure ever in the UK. Four of us worked hard and with the help of a JCB we got it built. The beds are made of sand so it can get everywhere, especially between the toes. But the best thing is in the morning the tide laps through the door, what a great way to wake up".
Another unusual feature, besides the lack of a toilet, is the absence of a roof… so the castle could be defined as a sort of temporary hotel since the customers are ready to run in case of rain.
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