Thursday, 24 March 2011

How to avoid the queue at the post office: move it to the bottom of the sea!

After the holidays with the mother-in-law and visiting the dentist, one of the most hated by the human race is to go to the post office. They try in vain to make your life easier or more comfortable location, time spent in a post office is like an itch in the most unreachable back. However, there is a place in the world where sending a letter can become part of your holiday as a boat trip or a day spent snorkeling. This place is an island nation in the South Pacific: Vanuatu.

Vanuatu's Underwater Post Office was opened in 2003 within the Hideaway Island marine sanctuary, near Port Vila, and soon became a real attraction of the place. Thousands of visitors have used in recent years the post office located 50 meters offshore and at just three meters below the surface, a staggering depth when you consider that the underwater branch is manned daily for usually about an hour, longer on cruise ship days or with demand.

During the opening hours a banner tells the tourists that an operator is present in the office to help send a special waterproof postcards. A new embossed cancellation device replaces the conventional ink stamp. Vanuatu Post promised all visitors they would accept mail underwater and deliver anywhere in the world. Mail that requires a normal Underwater Post Office date stamp is cancelled in the Main Post Office.

If the idea of Vanuatu Post didn't impress you, you can find on their website their latest innovation, which uses another incredible natural beauty of the island: the Volcano Post. You can not really say that this postal agency doesn't know how to take advantage of the territory, to make successful operations of tourism marketing. Wouldn't it be nice if we would open the first underwater post office maybe in the Garda Lake?

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